Day two: Side trip to Edeowie Gorge
Chapman's Wilpena Pound map |
The next day, from Cooinda Camp, we followed the signpost and took the track which led northwest towards Edeowie Gorge. After the walk of about 600m, we passed the rockhole, from which we had collected water the day before. We continued on for about 1.8km of ups and downs, untill Edeowie Gorge was reached.
Edeowie Gorge Cliffs
Group photo |
Roch scramble in the rocky valley |
Second day lunch stop |
Edeowie Gorge |
We returned to Cooinda Camp via the same route. We then packed up our tents, followed the track and walked out via Tanderra Saddle, where we kept to the right track, heading east about 1.5km, then southeast about 2.5km to get back to Wilpena Campground. Food, beer, and wine were shared at dinner to celebrate the last night of Peter S. with the group.
Daddy's baking gourmet