Set out for a 5 day walk from our van camp at the Lake Rowallan dam wall on the Mersey River Road. First went by car to the the Maggs 17-1 "road" car park, then on foot via the Maggs 17 track and Arm River Tracks to Pelion Hut and then onto Paddys Nut (a peak near Mt Ossa) and back.
GPS Track on Memory-Map Tasmania 100k
It was a long 6 hour hike from the Maggs 17-1 car park to the New Pelion Hut (on the OT) thru waterfall filled gullies, button grass and peat marsh.

Waterfalls on Maggs 17 Track
Mt Pillinger from Maggs17 Tk (navigation skills required). Reached Arm River Track.
Arrived late evening and camped out. The hut and the campground were full.
The second day was another 6 hour, 400m, uphill battle, with indistinct tracks, leeches and bogs, to a campsite at the base of Paddys Nut.
Photos (on the walk out) used to identify features. PaddysNut basecamp on day 2
Allan with Mt Ossa 1617m in the background. PaddysNut and Mt Thetis from Paddys Tk
The next day started foggy but turned into a glorious clear afternoon with clear skies, and cool sun allowing a magnificent view of all of the Pelion area from the top of the Nut.

Worth the climb up to the summit of Paddys Nut 1382m and Allan enjoyed views.
Mt Thetis from PaddysNut. Been myself almost the top last time some years ago.
Mt Ossa and Mt Pelion East in the distance.
Mt. Thetis, Mt. Achilles 1363m, Perrins Bluff 1420m and Mt Pelion West 1560m
Barn Bluff and Cradle Mtn

Mt Oakleigh 1386m, Cathedral Mtn 1378m and Barn Bluff from Paddys.

Mt Ossa 1617m and Paddys 1382m
The next day was the reverse trip from the Nut, but was a bit drier and we saw two bush fires start on the way down. neither very close, fortunately.
Mt Pelion East, Mt Pelion West, the Nut - PelionWest and Barn Bluff.
Barn Bluff , Cradle Mountain 1545m and the New Pelion Hut Campground
The last night at Pelion Hut, our tent was attacked by a possum and the inner tent floor has been ripped. Will need a repair or replacement (bugger!). The last day reversed the trip from Pelion Hut to the Maggs17-1 track where the car was parked.
Pelion Plain and Mt Pelion West

Lunch stop near Lake Ayr on Arm River Tk. Wurragarra Creek near the Maggs turn-off .