Waterfalls Picnic Ground to Cameron Track Camp
The Pyrenees Range is about 200kms northwest of Melbourne and about two and a half hours drive. The closest town is Avoca located east of the start of the walk at Waterfalls picnic area that is easily travelled in 2WD in10 minutes.
The Pyrenees Range is about 200kms northwest of Melbourne and about two and a half hours drive. The closest town is Avoca located east of the start of the walk at Waterfalls picnic area that is easily travelled in 2WD in10 minutes.
Did it solo as an overnight walk due to no car shuffle. Pyrenees Endurance walk continues on from Cameron tk campground about 10kms further to be finished at Glenlofty-Warrenmang Rd / Hankin Tk Junctiion (see additional info below).
A walking track post can be found at Waterfalls picnic car park, just after the bridge and about 10ms further, Pyrenees Endurance post with the information of the walk 21km, One way.
The walk starts with a steep climb to the top of the range. It would be slippery if wet and a trekking pole would come in handy specially for the return trip. The trail from the start through Main Break to Mt Avoca (featured with a trig, 747m), through Emery Tk, then linked up with Old Tiger Cat Tk, is well-marked and maintained. Turn right at Old Tiger Cat, head West for about half of km and take notice of an unofficial marker with stones on the right (position 706278, 5891324). From here, there are a couple of options to get down to Nowhere Creek and Pyrenees Endurance Trail junction:
1) keep following the (walking) & bike tk heading West down and down about 350m to Nowhere Creek at a hairpin. Ignore the foot pad on the other side of the creek, instead continue on a short distance to reach the junction at a walking track post (position 705834, 5891353).
This signpost was missed on day one. I crossed the creek and followed the foot pad (see topo map file, reach pwt from crk) because of trying to avoid the eroded bike trail.
2) Go west, xc down to Nowhere Crk. The timbered forests here are open and so the opportunity arises. If doing so, you may come across parts of Pyrenees Endurance Zig Zag Track. Here is another useful post at the trail & crk junction (postion 705987, 5891503 & photo attached)
3) The start of the zig zag track should be close to where the stones marker is. It was missed on day one, too.
When reaching the Pyrenees Endurance post/s on the bank of Nowhere Crk, leave the creek and follow the track up. One or two orange triangles can be seen on the way. Ignore blue ribbons, continue on West until the sight of the next orange triangle (Reach pwt). From this point, only a short section on a track was the “tks” -“Reach tk, d2”
Cameron Track Camp Shelter
Below is the atachement of the topo graphical map file with the route and
useful GPS way-points taken from Old Tiger Cat Tk to Cameron Tk Campground. As
discussed on the well-defined track from Waterfalls picnic to Old Tiger Cat Tk,
I don’ t see the need of another topo file. The entire route can be found on
Parkvic map; but neither on the topographical maps 1:25k and 1:50k (2006) I
have, nor on the online Mud map.
My final words for those planning to do the walk are: Be well-equipped with a proper topographical map & a compass (GPS optional), start early and carefully observe the orange triangle markers.
Related information
ParkVic map of Pyrenees, Western Range